
Discovering a hotel, little back streets, finding new restaurants is all part of going to new places which I find exciting.

This trip takes us to the Greek island of Rhodes, completely new to us.

The plane was as always late taking off, as we said goodbye to the cold grey English summer. Arriving on the tarmac of Diagoras Airport the heat of the sun wrapped around our bodies squeezing tight. One passenger commented sayin its so very hot. I thought yes fantastic isn’t it. It was quick through passport control and bags were waiting.

A short taxi ride to the hotel gave us little chance to get our bearings. Not to worry I thought. We are fairly well travelled. My partner has a good internal sense of direction and we have google maps no problem.

After dinner we thought a stroll into town just to walk off the travel. A kind couple showed us the way through the tiny backstreets to the edge of town. I was so busy chatting I didn’t take notice.

Wandering around we found a lovely bar, sitting for the first time the summer outside in the warm breeze was delightful.

Shattered it was time to go back to the hotel. Taxi said my partner. Really, it’s a 10 minute walk. No taxi my ankle is painful. We walked to the taxi rank. No surprise no taxis. Come on we’ll walk. I said. He asked if I remembered the way. My answer is maybe. I don’t always gave my direction sense turned on but I was willing to try.

Winding down the narrow lanes, there were no street lights, only light from the tiny houses. I felt confident until we reached the point of choosing a direction. Which way he asked. Not sure. Try your google maps. No internet. No chance. I asked him his thoughts. But he couldn’t remember. For a moment in time my heart sunk if he had no idea we were lost. He has a bad ankle and could hardly walk my back was in spasms. What a pair of old crocs I thought.

I found a wall. Sit here I said and I’ll go and look down that way. All the little roads looked the same. As I walked alone I had no idea how we would get back. We might end up roaming for hours. His idea go back and try and find a taxi but that felt unlikely.

I reached the end of the road and saw a sign for the hotel. I walked back and told him. Delight spread across his face, you found the way. He looked relieved. The hotel was just around the corner. I was so pleased. Back and ankle would both be happy.

My morale is take notice of where you’re walking you need to know how to get back. We will try again tonight and I know we will have success.

Author: Katyprice

I write short stories, Novels and poetry. inside my head I have a lot of stories to tell. I am not sure what to write about me, as mad as a box of frogs? as useful as a chocolate teapot.

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