Valley of the butterflies

After hiring a car we thought we would explore Rhodes. I realised as we winded through narrow roads through the mountains I still hate heights. I wanted to go 20 miles an hour in the middle of the road. Luckily I wasn’t driving so I had to be content closing my eyes and holding on tight.

We arrived at the valley of the butterflies, a 1.5 km walk each way. The path meandered alongside a babbling stream , water jumping over rocks as the sunlight beamed through tree branches. The cooler air was a refreshing change.

Hundreds of jersey tiger butterflies fluttered around us. Deep red wings flashed through the air then landing their black and white wings hiding the red, great camouflage on tree bark.

We enjoyed the walk along the uneven path, climbing steps as we made our way higher up the side of the valley. Half way up was a waterfall, if I could I would have dangled my feet as the temperature started to rise. Although still under the canopy of trees we were gaining height and heat.

The map showed a cafe at the top, the thought of an ice cream or cold drink is a great incentive to keep going. The steps became steeper and we became slower. Out of the canopy of trees came the top. Brilliant blue skies, the sun as high as it could climb and no cafe open. We stood took in the view and decided that it was time to head back towards rage start.

Although the temperature rose, the walk was delightful and I was very glad I was wearing sensible shoes. I wondered how those in heels found the walk.

The ice cold lemonade and the air conditioning was gratefully received as we made our way back to the hotel along more narrow and winding roads with the hope that tomorrow I will be braver.

Author: Katyprice

I write short stories, Novels and poetry. inside my head I have a lot of stories to tell. I am not sure what to write about me, as mad as a box of frogs? as useful as a chocolate teapot.

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